Faith Christian Academy
Mission Statement
Faith Christian Center accepts God’s commission to teach His ways to the next generation and to train up Christian leaders for all walks of life. Faith Christian Center, through Faith Christian Academy (FCA), commits to this call of God and will pursue excellence in all areas to nurture, develop, and sustain our youth in God’s calling for their lives. By God’s help, Faith Christian Academy will empower students to be leaders who will seek God’s will and be equipped to successfully meet the spiritual, relational, governmental, cultural, and intellectual challenges of their world.
Philosophy Statement
Faith Christian Academy is an extended ministry of Faith Christian Center and accepts the God given responsibility of the home and the church to educate children. The purpose of this ministry is to educate the whole child – spirit, soul, and body.
Faith Christian Academy is established on Biblical principles and uses the Bible as a standard to conduct its business. Faith Christian Center is determined to use the authority of the Holy Scripture as the foundation for all educational practices.
The knowledge of Truth through the avenue of academia will be pursued knowing the Truth will free the minds of our youth. “Ye shall know the truth and the truth will set you free.” John 8:32
Faith Christian Academy, as a ministry of Faith Christian Center, provides an opportunity for students to be educated in a Godly environment and taught by teachers who are, themselves, born again and led by the Spirit. We believe the entire process of education is a means used by the Holy Spirit to bring students into fellowship with God, to develop the mind of Christ in them, and to train them in Godly living.
Faith Christian Academy accepts the suggestions given in Paul Kienel’s “The philosophy of Christian School Education” for Bible based objectives of Christian Education.
Spiritual and moral growth:
· To teach the Bible as God’s inspired Word and to develop attitudes of love and respect towards it.
· To teach the basic doctrines of the Bible.
· To lead the pupil to a decision of confessing Christ as Savior and Lord.
· To develop a desire to know and obey the will of God daily.
· To impart an understanding of each Christian’s place in the church and its involvement in this task.
· To encourage the development of self-discipline and responsibility in the student based on respect for and submission to God and another authority.
· To help the student develop for himself a Christian world view by integrating life and studies with the Bible.
Personal and social development:
· To help the student develop his personality based on a proper understanding and acceptance of himself as a unique individual created in the image of God and on the fullest possible development of his own capabilities.
· To teach the students to treat everyone with love and respect since they, too, are made in God’s image.
· To make the student a contributing member of his society, realizing his dependence on others and their dependence on Him, and the need to serve them.
· To promote an understanding of time as a God-given commodity and the individual’s responsibility for effective use of time.
· To show a realistic and Biblical view of life and work, and to provide skills for personal relationships and future endeavors.
· To develop both good and proper attitudes toward marriage and the family and the understanding and skills needed to establish God-honoring homes.
· To impart the Biblical attitudes toward material things and to encourage individual responsibility to using them for God’s glory.
· To promote high academic standards, within the potential of the individual as uniquely created by God and to help the student realize his full academic potential.
· To help each student gain a thorough comprehension and command of the fundamental processes used in communicating and dealing with others, such as reading, writing, speaking, and listening.
· To teach and encourage the use of good study habits.
· To teach the student how to do independent research and to reason logically.
· To motivate the student to pursue independent study in areas of personal interest.
· To develop creative and critical thinking and proper use of Biblical criteria for evaluation.
· To promote good citizenship through developing the understanding and appreciation of our Christian and American heritages of responsible freedom, human dignity, and acceptance of authority.
· To discuss current affairs in all fields and relate them to God’s plan for man.
· To produce an understanding and appreciation for God’s world, and awareness of man’s role in his environment and his God-given responsibilities to use and preserve it properly.
· To engender an appreciation of the fine arts through the development of the students understanding and personal expression.

Non-discriminatory Policy
Faith Christian Academy does not and shall not discriminate against any person with respect to race, gender, national origin, disability, or military status in any activities or operation. These activities include, but are not limited to, hiring, and firing of staff, selection of volunteers and vendors, and provision of services. Faith Christian Academy does, however, reserve the right to ensure that representatives of the Academy (i.e., employees, volunteers, etc.) exhibit behavior and beliefs that are consistent with the tenants of faith of the governing body of Faith Christian Academy, Faith Assembly of God, as expressed in the doctrines of the General Counsel of the Assemblies of God denomination.