Dress Code-Handbook-Policies
Faith Christian Center Code of Ethic
Uniforms & Dress Code
Shirts - Black, gray, and red polo shirts with school logo.
Pants - Blue or black khakis
Skirts – Girls may wear skirts that are knee length.
Shoes – Closed toe shoes are required. -
Code of Conduct
Faith Christian Academy maintains a high standard for the conduct and behavior of their students. Each student in grades 4-12 is expected to sign an Honor Pledge confirming a commitment to uphold the standards of the school. Students are required to show a willing obedience to authority and school regulations. This commitment is also verified orally through the interview process.Students are expected to act in an orderly and respectful manner, maintaining Christian standards of courtesy, cheerfulness, kindness, pure language, morality, and honesty. (Page 6 in the Student Handbook for a complete list of expectations.)
Policies & Procedures
Our policies & procedures are found in our Student Handbook. To download a copy click on link below.

Statement of Mission
Faith Christian Center accepts God’s commission to teach His ways to the next generation and to train up Christian leaders for all walks of life. Faith Christian Center, through Faith Christian Academy, commits to this call of God and will pursue excellence in all areas in order to nurture, develop, and sustain our youth in God’s calling for their lives. By God’s help, Faith Christian Academy will empower students to be leaders who will seek God’s will and be equipped to successfully meet the spiritual, relational, governmental, cultural, and intellectual changes of their world.
Statement of Philosophy
Faith Christian Academy is an extended ministry of Faith Christian Center and accepts the God given responsibility of the home and the church to educate children. The purpose of this ministry is to educate the whole child - spirit, soul, and body.
Faith Christian Academy is established on Biblical principles and uses the Bible as a standard to conduct its business. Faith is determined to use the authority of the Holy Scripture as the foundation for all educational practices.
The knowledge of Truth through the avenue of academia will be pursued knowing that Truth will free the minds of our youth. Ye shall know the Truth and the Truth will set you free. John 8:32
Faith Christian Academy, as a ministry of Faith Christian Center, provides an opportunity for students to be deucated in a Godly environment and taught by teachers who are, themselves, born again and led by the Spirit. We believe the entire process of education is a means used by the Holy Spirit to bring students into fellowship with God, to develop the mind of Christ in them, and to train them in Godly living.