Dr. John D. McDuff
Administrator Phillip De La Rosa
FCA is a Christian, college-preparatory school pursuing excellence for the honor of Jesus Christ. Our dedicated faculty and staff are committed to high achievement in academics, arts and athletics.
Our mission is to empower students to be leaders who will seek God’s will and be equipped to successfully meet the spiritual, relational, governmental, cultural, and intellectual challenges for their world. Our goal is to affect destiny for the glory of God!
I hope you will take time to seek more about our school and meet our students, speak with faculty and staff and see what makes Faith Christian Academy one of a kind. We look forward to welcoming you to our campus!
~ Phillip De La Rosa “God Is Good” Administrator
Jill Johnson Student Coordinator, English, Science, Math
Karina Cisneros Pre-K4
Season McPeek Kindergarten
Charlene Bryant-Hughlet 1st Grade
Margarita Vasquez 2nd Grade
Linda Wolf 3rd Grade
Victoria Gonzalez 4th Grade
Peggy Finchum 5th Grade
Dr. John D. McDuff Chemistry, Anatomy, Speach, Drama, Bible
Jack Finchum History
Steve Weatherly Economics, Algebra, Geometry
Renata Barrera Language
Jackie Parker Secretary
Rose De La Rosa Food Services Manager
Delcia Velasquez Cafeteria Assistant

Faith Christian Academy is accredited K-12 by the Association of Christian Students and Teachers (ACTS), recognized by the Texas Private School Accreditation Commission (TEPSAC), and the National Council for Private School Accreditation (NCPSA).

Non-discriminatory Policy
Faith Christian Academy does not and shall not discriminate against any person with respect to race, gender, national origin, disability, or military status in any activities or operation. These activities include, but are not limited to, hiring and firing of staff, selection of volunteers and vendors, and provision of services. Faith Christian Academy does, however, reserve the right to ensure that representatives of the Academy (i.e. employees, volunteers, etc.) exhibit behavior and beliefs that are consistent with the tenants of faith of the governing body of Faith Christian Academy, Faith Assembly of God, as expressed in the doctrines of the General Counsel of the Assemblies of God denomination.