Secondary Enrollment Fees
*Jr. High (6-8) $5,255 (Yearly)
*High School $5,482 (Yearly)
*Tuition and fees do not include sports, K graduation, senior fees, standardized testing, and yearbook*
Enrollment Fee: $150 per student or $300 per family.
Re-enrollment Fees
Early Bird Discount from January 1 - February 28 $50.00 single student, $100.00 per family. Re-enroll after February 28 $150 per student or $300 per family.
Please return completed forms to school office or Fax 713-944-4416.
To request more information:
Office Hours: 7:30 AM - 3:30 PM
School Hours: PK-5th (8:05 AM - 2:50 PM) ------ 6th-12th (8:05 AM - 3:05 PM)
Tel: 713-943-9978
Email: FCANews.FaithChristian@yahoo.com